Happy Fall! 

David had school this morning but after we picked him up at noon we spent the afternoon outside enjoying the beautiful fall day! It's nice for the boys to get to play together on the swing set/slide that their Mom and Dad put together for them(mostly Mom). Only problem...Adam can't climb up the ladder yet so Mom has the job of lifting him up to the fort so he can slide down. I didn't do it once if I didn't do it 100 times:o) He laughs and screams all the way down landing on his butt every time. Nothing too fancy though...just the basics. Give him a year!

They need to get a good night's rest because tomorrow they are going to go play with David's best friend....Lucas! David called Lucas' Mom today to remind her that we would be coming over tomorrow.
We got David's school pictures back today. One 8x10 and two sheets of wallet sized prints, and a class picture. I showed them to David and we went through all of the kids in his class(he knew all but 1 of the 9 other kids in his class:o) and of course Miss Anne his teacher). I turned around to do something and heard him announce..."That's a lot of Davids!" I thought I was going to die laughing. I turned around and he was holding one of the pages with 8 wallet photos. I'm telling you, never a dull moment!