We left for Toronto on Friday the 5th and just got back this evening. We spent the first night at my husband's Aunt's house in Mississauga, Ontario. We went to a family wedding on Saturday and spent the night in the Cambridge Suites Hotel in downtown Toronto. The boys got to ride in a taxi for the first time and had a ball. There were trolley cars running through the streets of the city which David found rather exciting. And of course the city is breathtaking at night with everything lit up. The boys were soaking it all in with a chorus of "awesome" and "what's that" along with "cool" and of course "sweet".

Sunday was David's 5th Birthday!!! We slept in, had a yummy breakfast, checked out of our hotel at 1pm and headed to Aunt Mary's for a surprise party. We had a delicious chocolate ice cream cake decorated with dinosaurs and a volcano. David got an array of dinosaur gifts; movie, tattoos, books, toy dinosaurs, a poster, a Spinosaurus that "is scary and can't be in the room where I sleep", the Cars soundtrack, a digital camera, and some clothes. We had a dinosaur birthday banner, noise makers, and balloons. After eating cake and opening all of his presents, David and Adam disappeared upstairs to watch his new dinosaur movie. He was so excited and told me that he "had a great birthday. I got a lot of gifts. That's was nice of the older people." His Aunt Mary found that comment rather comical:o)

Monday we took a road trip to Niagara Falls. We only took 2 wrong turns with the GPS:o) I am a master navigator!!! When we finally got to the falls it was great. What a beautiful day! The boys as well as Troy and I had a wonderful time. David picked out a baby mammoth and Adam a white owl at the gift store which he dragged around all day. We rode on The Fury of the Falls...not worth all the hype. We had a really yummy lunch that only cost $80 including the tip! Should have served those chicken nuggets and fries on gold plates thank you:o) The boys did a lot of walking which tuckered them out and both slept all the way back to Aunt Mary's house.

We had supper and let them run around for a little while and they both slept all night. Neither one of them moved an inch!
We're home now, 11pm, safe ride home with no traffic or construction! We even got to see a couple of trains and the Toronto commuter express on the ride home. The trees are turning already and the temperature has dropped. The deer were out eating apples off of trees. It was a beautiful ride. I unpacked everything and the laundry is in the works! The boys are sound asleep in their beds, Troy is passed out on the couch, and I'm gonna go to bed:o) Back to school for David in the morning and grocery shopping for me. We packed an awful lot of driving and activity into 5 days so tomorrow it's time to relax. Thursday I have orientation for my new job, our new dishwasher is being delivered, and the chimney sweep is coming. It's that time of year:o) Then on Friday we're going apple picking. It's good to be home:o) Good night!